
Dear Soul Sister,

As we very gracefully leave Capricorn season and enter the season of Aquarius, a period that indicates innovation, uniqueness, and a deeper understanding of our connections with others, I find myself reflecting on the nature of relationships and communication.

Aquarius energy encourages us to embrace our individuality and express ourselves authentically, and this is particularly important when it comes to how we relate to, and communicate with, those around us.

I did a thing last month and I started down a new path; starting a social media page. Ahhh!!! I’ll be honest though, whew, this journey has been more challenging than I thought! I was feeling all sorts of ways because, if it wasn’t trying to keep up with the ever-evolving trends, it was feeling like other coaches in my field were literally light years ahead of me with their online presence.

But here’s the thing: the beauty of Aquarius season is in its reminder to celebrate our uniqueness, and to understand that comparison only dims the light of our individual brilliance.

 This is a lesson I am learning and embracing every day. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, to feel like we are always a few steps behind, or even light years. But remember, everything unfolds in its perfect timing. Our journeys are not meant to be mirror images of others; they are beautifully and uniquely ours. 

As part of my commitment to this journey, to myself, and to you, I’ve set a goal to write in this blog weekly for the foreseeable future. This is not just a promise to share more consistently, but a dedication to be present in this journey WITH you, offering insights, encouragement, and a space for us to grow together. 

As we navigate the Aquarius season, let’s remind ourselves of the importance of authentic expression in our relationships. Let’s embrace our unique voices and paths, knowing that our individual journeys contribute to the beautiful picture of life. Let’s communicate with openness and embrace the different wavelengths on which we all operate.

With that said, I encourage you to connect with me on my new social media pages! (You see what I did there?) These are spaces where we can continue our conversations, share our experiences, and support each other in our unique paths. Let’s grow together in authenticity and encouragement.

And remember, Sis, comparison may be a natural human tendency, but it’s in our unique journey where our true power lies. Everything happens in its perfect timing, and your path is unfolding exactly as it should. Trust in your journey, embrace your individuality, and let the magic of Aquarius season guide your relationships and communication.

Love Always,

Coach Lori


Breaking FREE


Full Swing in Capricorn