As I sit to write this, my first blog entry, I am filled with a sense of purpose and passion. This isn't just a blog; it's a sanctuary for healing, empowerment, and self-discovery. It's a place where we explore love – not just romantic love, but the profound, transformative love that begins within ourselves.
Healing After Heartbreak
As you read these words, know that they are written for you, from a place of deep understanding and shared experience. Heartbreak is a journey that many of us walk, a path that can feel lonely and overwhelming. But remember, you are not walking it alone. I am writing to remind you that every end is also a new beginning.
Ask yourself, "Who am I first: Mother, Wife, or Woman?" It's a question that echoes in the hearts of many, often whispered in the quiet moments of self-reflection. Let’s talk about it! I know that you might be feeling lost in the roles you play, and sis, I am here to remind you of truth! Before anything else, YOU ARE A WOMAN; whole and complete in your own right.
Post- Thanksgiving Self-care Guide
As the Thanksgiving festivities wind down and we step into the heart of the holiday season, it's the perfect time to turn our focus inward. It's a time to nourish not just our bodies but our souls, to make this season truly refreshing.
As December wraps its chilly arms around us, it brings not just the sparkle of holiday lights but also a reflection of past pains and lessons learned.
Boundaries Show Love
I’m sitting here with a fever, a throbbing headache, and a bitter tasting cup of tea, and I'm reminded of the fine line between self care and the obligations we feel towards the ones we love, especially during the holiday season.
Full Swing in Capricorn
Today, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and renewal! Two weeks ago, I was battling sickness, but now, I am fully recovered and feeling much better. My journey back to health was a reminder of the resilience we all possess and the importance of self-care, especially as we stepped into the New Year.
As we very gracefully leave Capricorn season and enter the season of Aquarius, a period that indicates innovation, uniqueness, and a deeper understanding of our connections with others, I find myself reflecting on the nature of relationships and communication.
Breaking FREE
Welcome to our first February entry! What a symbolic day to dive into a topic close to my heart and so important for personal transformation. The first of the month signals new beginnings, making it the perfect time to discuss breaking free from codependent relationships and embracing the empowering journey of independence.