Dear Soul Sister,

Ask yourself, "Who am I first: Mother, Wife, or Woman?" It's a question that echoes in the hearts of many, often whispered in the quiet moments of self-reflection. Let’s talk about it! I know that you might be feeling lost in the roles you play, and sis, I am here to remind you of truth! Before anything else, YOU ARE A WOMAN; whole and complete in your own right.

It's easy, though, to lose ourselves in the titles we carry, isn’t it? When you're a mother, your life often revolves around your children, their needs, their laughter, and their growth. As a wife, you find yourself intertwined with the life of your partner, their dreams sometimes becoming your own. In these roles, love and duty dance closely, more often than not, blurring the lines of your individual identity. I understand this dance all too well. There were times when I looked in the mirror and saw only the mother and the partner, wondering where the woman I used to know had gone. It's a feeling many of us share, yet it's shunned or even considered blasphemous almost.

But here's what I've learned on my journey: being an awesome mother and a loving partner begins with being a whole, fulfilled woman. The love, care, and strength you give to your family are all reflections of the love, care, and strength WITHIN you. And to nurture those qualities, you must first nurture yourself: the woman. And even deeper than that, you must nurture the little girl inside of that woman. But, that’s a topic for another day! Anyway, the bottom line is, it's not selfish to prioritize your well-being; it's necessary. Just as you cannot pour from an empty cup, you cannot fully love and care for others without first loving and caring for yourself.

Think about the things that make you, you. What are your passions, your dreams? When was the last time you did something just for the joy it brings YOU? When was the last time you spent time nurturing your own growth and dreams? These shouldn’t be just luxuries because they're vital parts of who you are. Embracing these parts of yourself doesn't make you any less of a devoted mother or a loving wife. On the contrary, it enriches those roles in, and aspects of, your life.

So, I encourage you to rediscover the woman you are beneath the roles you play. Allow yourself the grace to explore your desires, to set aside time for self-care, and to pursue your personal goals. Remember that your identity is not solely defined by others, but also by the dreams and passions that live in your heart.

In doing so, you're not only reclaiming your sense of self, but you're also setting a powerful example for your children and enriching your partnership. You're showing your children the importance of individuality and self-love. You're bringing a richer, more fulfilled version of yourself to your partnership and other relationships, as well.

And remember, Soul Sis, this journey of rediscovery is not a race or a battlefield. It's a gentle, loving process of coming back to yourself, of acknowledging and embracing the multifaceted woman you are.

Please take some time for you. Rediscover the joy in just being you – the woman who is beautifully, uniquely, and wonderfully made. Your journey is not about choosing between being a mother, a wife, or a woman. It's about embracing the incredible, dynamic individual who embodies all these roles and more.

Your journey is just taking a new, exciting, and beautiful direction.

Love Always,

Coach Lori


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